We Help You Reclaim Your Most Valuable Asset - Your Time - With a DFY Investment Fund at 4% ROI MONTHLY


The Difference Between Working for Money or Money Working FOR YOU

Unless you can step away from your company, job or current project for at least two years...

not think about money or needing to get more of it...

and your family is still taken care of...

your business/money keeps expanding and growing without you...

you are not free.

If you'd die today, you will have a problem.

What are you gonna do to change that?

You could make the same choice like James who is now paying himself to go on vacation with is tax money. Hear it from himself...

Or you can continue chasing money and hustle, live pay check to pay check or work even harder. 

The reason why most people live pay check to pay check or freelancers, service providers and small business owners don't consistently generate more revenue

is also the same reason why a company experiences a dip in net worth or worse goes bankrupt.

All of them have one thing in common, they operate from money or revenue collected instead of cash flow.

You will never be able to break the cycle by working harder, getting another job, hiring a new mentor, making more sales, or hiring more team members to increase your income.

You can only break the cycle of feast and famine if your money works harder for you than you or your team members work to generate more revenue or increase your income.

Instead of spending thousands of dollars on a university degree or your online education to chase millionaire or billionaire status...

or the freedom lifestyle as an influencer or business owner only to find out that it's harder than the online gurus and experts want you to believe...

or work in a job for eight hours or more every day, whether you like it or not, to eventually retire at 65...

you can invest your money with us at a 4% ROI monthly and add 7+figures in 8 years without any work at all because your money works harder for you than you for money.

Because I - Tabita Fénix the Founder of Pioneer Retirement™️ - enjoyed this kind of freedom with my investments I was able to retire in my 30's and travel the world without ever having to post a single selfie on Social Media as an influencer or generating more sales with my companies.


How Is Pioneer Retirement Different?

"We are not risking your money. We offer Pioneer Retirement ™️ before 65 years of age. You can store your money in a savings account, pension fund such as 401K where it does nothing for you or you can invest it with us. There is no additional cost or risk of losing your money since we don't take money unless we can match it.

Your money is safe because we can match what you invest. We are not accepting any money that we do not already have in assets. If the investment amount that people want to pay us surpasses our own assets, we will stop taking on more investments.

This means we are not actually working with your money but our own which we have done successfully since 2018 in a bull- and bear market. That's why we can offer a 4% ROI monthly.

- Tabita Fénix

I am not here to sell you anything. The only way you know someone really has pure intentions and is not in it for the money is if they no longer work for money.

Our only intention is to retire as many people as possible to give you and your family back your most precious commodity - your time so you can create breathtaking memories with your loved ones instead of sitting in front of a screen, in a job, or working in your company even if you love doing it.

Our WHY is freedom.

We do this with PIONEER RETIREMENT ™. It is for any person who wants to replace their current monthly income whether through a job or their own business with a DFY investment that pays 4% ROI monthly. 

What we offer is to spend less time working or none at all.

This works for any company whether brick-and-mortar or online. You can apply this additional revenue stream in any industry whether it's Real Estate, Saas, AI, Blockchain, Gastronomy, Legal, Beauty etc. 

If you have a booming multi-million career whether employed by someone else or your own company... At this stage, you should not even be working anymore. 

With PIONEER RETIREMENT ™ you can invest your profits to avoid taxes and get paid 4% every month instead of the money sitting in a bank doing nothing for you...

or getting seized because the bank closed like it's currently happening with the collapse in the financial industries.

You don't believe me? These are facts, not theories. 

Go ahead and research the two banks in the US who collapsed since 10 March 2023 - Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank - the biggest bank failures since 2008. Both catered to businesses and had ties to the technology industry.

Before you do, you might want to know about Tina's horror story who tried to take her money from an investment which paid her 2% ROI yearly and fined her for USD 40,000 for taking it out and making her feel guilty because they had all her money tied up. She says to anyone considering PIONEER RETIREMENT™: 

I went thru something horrible with banks so that hopefully you never have to. I am so glad that I took the step to trust Pioneer Retirement instead.” Hear it from herself...


Pioneer Retirement is FOR YOU if you:

don’t want to be a burden for your children in your older age either by not having enough money to live OR by not having health care in order to get the care you need in your older days.
want to retire and STAY retired. You are smart enough to realize that inflation or emergencies may put you behind and you might have to go back to work to keep the lifestyle you want.
are retired parents who finally got enough money thru your years and years of working and want to see that money go to your kids and grandchildren to help them.
are a corporate worker who is burned out and wants to stop working.
want to have money for your kids in the long run to help them survive.
genuinely want to care for your older parents and give them a great quality of life they deserve because they sacrificed so much of their life to provide for you.
are a good, honest and hard worker but want to retire “soon” and be able to take on other projects of interest.
want to get out of the grind with the savings you have built up and be able to fund other dreams and hobbies.
don’t “need” or want to learn how to do your own investing but realize your money isn’t doing enough for you to be worry-free. You appreciate a DFY model that earns 4%.
have been a planner and wise with your money. You may have trusts, life insurance, and strategy set up to avoid huge tax payments. You appreciate having this to add to your diversity portfolio.
rather spend hours with your family and create eternal loving memories instead of chasing money and external validation.


Pioneer Retirement is NOT for you if you:

are prideful and think what you are doing is the best there is.
want to stay busy working hard and not give PR your attention. You choose to let your busyness (paycheck or business profit) be the reason to not need PR right now because that is bringing in “good money”
are content with the passive payments from MLM, coaching programs, digital marketing, and influencer/content creator payments, and the like. You are SOLD on these now and, again, have a certain level of superiority that disallows you to see PR being for you.
are a business owner or CEO of companies who have built your businesses and isn't willing to receive “help”.
rely solely on real estate as your retirement plan.
don’t have kids and are making good money. You prefer living in the present and feel what you are doing is enough. You don't yet have the responsibility to provide for others. You are just having fun and don't mind if you lose your job or run out of money.
are more conservative and put your trust in the “tried and true” methods most investors teach of saving consistently over time to leverage dollar cost averaging and use time to make up any dips or losses in the market.
are a business and money coach who teaches others how to make more money.
are working in or have been taught by the traditional banking system.
don't see a need now to create a plan for your future that will cover any major life changes. You are not concerned today about being prepared to die and assure all is ok if you do.
think you can trust the current banking system and are happy to only get a 4% interest rate per year with your savings account.

Hear it from Gary, who suggests to think about the fact that if you know the system is broken and you have 0 chance of staying retired, why not try something new where you have a 50-50 chance?


Pioneer Retirement

Better yet, hear it from another one of our clients who is retired and wants to stay retired while living in abundance and not a petty government check that has her counting pennies.

This is P.R.,

I understand that you are considering investing in Pioneer Retirement.

I know this is an important decision. I can only offer you my "two cents worth" and what I experienced in making my own choice.

I will begin by saying that I am a single, retired, living on a fixed-income 74 year old senior citizen. It's been a pretty rough or challenging road to navigate as a single person - which I have been since 2008. So whatever monies I have earned and accumulated over these past 16 years I have worked very hard for. Nothing was given to me nor set me up comfortably after marriage. I have had to make financial decisions on my own all these years, and I must admit it has been very scary at times.

But in a nutshell, in the beginning I invested in the traditional ways...IRA, stock market, stocks/bonds, mutual funds, and annuities. I must also tell you that I am a person who constantly researches and goes down lots of rabbit holes searching for answers and the truth. I'm actually obsessed with doing that! I have a great mistrust of the government and the banking system. Over a long period of time I began to realize the control and manipulation that we have lived under. Early on I also became aware of the evil of the banking system. The more I researched I learned that one of the biggest villains was JP Morgan - Chase Bank. That was my bank! It took me awhile but finally I was able to get out of Chase and close all my investments and banking with them.

About 9 or 10 years ago I invested in an annuity with Athene. I'm not stupid but at the same time I know I am not the brightest bulb in the annuity industry, but I trusted the rep who sold me the annuity. Many years later with further investigation in overviewing all my finances, I discovered that the specific annuity I had been invested in was not the best place I could have put my money. And, after 5 years they began charging me thousands of dollars to my account each year (like a mgmt fee)! Guess it was in the small print somewhere but it was never disclosed to me by the selling agent! Also, that company locked me and my investment into a 12 year span - a length of time that more legitimate advisors will not allow (I believe 6 is the more reasonable amount of time for an annuity). Anyway, I made the decision to pull my money out of that investment even though I had 3 or 4 more years to go for its maturity. That was not easy, and in the end I did not walk away with all the money that I could/should have. But, I didn't care. The bottom line for me was - it is MY MONEY and not theirs and I did not want to be held hostage any longer. I wanted it somewhere that I could have immediate access to it.

I went with Pioneer Retirement. I had many conversations with Tabita (and Erron) prior to making my decision. One of the things that Tabita shared with me was that if I wanted to have monies withdrawn on a monthly basis (from my Pioneer investment) to add to my monthly social security income I could make that choice. That was a very important point in my making the original decision. I like that I am earning 4% (compounded) every month. No bank offers that. Plus - with the way things are we have no guarantee if/when the banking system as we know it will even survive. As I have gained more confidence, I will also tell you that I have continued to add monies to my Pioneer account and now am currently invested with over a couple hundred thousand.

I am also totally against the CBDC that is currently being pushed on us. I believe in the digital currency concept, but only if it is tied to a sovereign state bank. I believe states like Tennessee and Kansas are working on implementing such a system. Wished I lived in one of those states!

So, I can't afford to lose everything that I have. I had to make a decision based on faith and I made that leap with Pioneer Retirement and Tabita. As my confidence has grown, I recently opened an account for my grandson who just graduated from high school. If he leaves the initial investment I made alone, in ten years he will have hundreds of thousands of dollars due to the compounding interest.

I will also share that I am diversified as best as I can be. I belong to and have monies in a small local bank in my state, I have gold and silver, I own my home, I have some guaranteed bonds that I receive a monthly distribution from, I receive my monthly social security check, I purchased a different annuity with a different company that's way more legit, and I have the account with Pioneer Retirement. I've spread myself in various ways to protect myself as best as I can.

I feel like I am beginning to ramble, so I will close with saying, I walked in your shoes, I experienced many of the emotions you are probably having, and the bottom line I will leave you with is this. You can't trust the banks. You can't trust the advisors or the reps of investment groups. They are salesmen. They don't care about us (I experienced that first hand with Chase and then with that annuity company). They only care about the money they make off of us for themselves. Plus, they are brainwashed to believe in "the system." If you want to be free, if you want to be a sovereign being, then you need to think outside the box and you need to follow your intuition. It's not easy, I know. Just remember that "they" don't want to lose control of us.

All the best to you!


Or hear it from Bob who is retired and wants to give back as well as make up for some of the shortfalls in the past with other investments.

Do you still have doubts and wonder if Pioneer Retirement is an opportunity too good to be true? 

You won't know unless you invest at least 20 minutes and €8.80 to get access to the Pioneer Retirement Book and Invitation. You can ask all your questions and listen to the 10-minute voice message that answers your most burning questions:

Why should I trust Pioneer Retirement?
How do I know that my money is safe with you?
What do you invest in? 

Why do we not just offer this information for free? Because nothing worth considering is free. You either invest 20 minutes of your time and make an informed decision or you want to waste ours. The latter is an option we don't offer. It's up to you to reclaim your power and make the best choices for yourself, your family and/or your business ventures. No one is coming to save you. 

The Pioneer Retirement Book reveals how we give you back your life by showing you how you can retire as a millionaire within 8 years or less no matter if you are 20 or 60+ years old.

Step #1 Sign up for the Pioneer Retirement Book

When you sign up for the Pioneer Retirement Book, you will get immediate access to the Pioneer Retirement Invitation and the Book for €8.80. If you are a fast decision maker, you can spend as little as 20 minutes on the invitation page and receive all the information to make your decision immediately after sign-up.

Or you can spend 30 minutes to cover the FAQ section that answers all your questions. You can also spend two hours listening to the entire book to make an in-depth decision to see if our vision, mission and values align with how YOU want to safe keep, invest and multiply your money.

Step #2 Make a decision and follow through

It doesn't matter if PIONEER RETIREMENT ™ is the right fit for you or not. With your investment of €8.80 you will receive all the relevant information to determine a clear yes or no. Make your decision and move on. The book is yours to keep. There is no ongoing commitment, no additional fees or pressure to purchase anything from us. 

We don't need your money. We have all our client's money backed with assets. If every client would want their money back today, we could pay all of them, unlike the bank where you currently keep your money. Your bank can most likely not survive a bank run as aforementioned with the two banks who collapsed. We exist to give you back your FREEDOM. If you don't want that, it's best you leave this page now and never look back.

Do you still have doubts and wonder if Pioneer Retirement is an opportunity too good to be true? Hear about Vickie's story who says that Pioneer Retirement was definitely worth the risk and is increasing her principal.

Or listen to Nora who says that she is living proof how much Pioneer Retirement is needed...

"I have known Tabita since 2018 and worked with her for several years. When I was pregnant with my son she created him a PR account as a gift for his birth.
The communication was very friendly and we received an update email every month with the amount and growth of his account. Every question was answered immediately within one day.
The Mission of PR will benefit everyone in the best possible way because life only really starts when you don‘t have to work for money anymore and are free from any stress of financial survival mode and the lifelong hustle. It is a complete game changer.
The interest was 4% each month and it was impressive to see, that the money had more than doubled in such a short amount of time (being about two years)
Yes, we received the full payout on time and the money was transfered to my sons savings account.
I am beyond grateful for this present & highly recommend for everyone to use this once in a lifetime opportunity. I am already looking forward to my next experience with PR!"

Nora (Germany)

Or hear about Gian's feedback who was early to join Pioneer Retirement and got his principal and interests paid out in full in just a few days...

"I was privileged enough to be one of the few who were enrolled early in this program and I have to say - the service that the Pioneer brand provides throughout all their projects, is definitely up there with the best. Communication was especially one thing that I appreciated because I always knew how my money was doing every month. Not something that's really needed but a welcome service if you wanted to check in once in a while. And when I did ask to receive my payout, I got it in full plus 4% ROI monthly in just a few days. Their team was prompt to ask all the information needed and they also responded quickly so the whole process took way faster than I expected. Overall, while I didn't get to fully explore all their available options and services, I experienced enough to say if you're investing with Pioneer Retirement, it's something you can look forward to safely." 

Gian Dakay

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