What if you don't have to work until 65 before you can retire and enjoy your life?

What if you don't need a business to achieve or sustain a millionaire freedom lifestyle? 

What if your money could work for you instead of you trading your time to make money?

What if you could spend your days travelling with your loved ones without emptying all your savings before you have to go back to work in a 9-5?


What Is Pioneer Retirement™?

Please only keep on reading if you have decided that you‘d like to wake up every day knowing that your family will be taken care of and you want to inherit your birthright to be a millionaire family without working harder or until 65.

Sounds too good to be true? 
It's not, but only if you know the truth I am about to reveal.
You have been lied to and enslaved. No one wants you to find out what I am about to share with you.

As long as you have to get up and work to make money either as a boss or an employee to afford the lifestyle that you have you are enslaved.

You have to chase money because society makes you believe that this is what you need to survive.

This could not be further from the truth!

That’s why you're spending every day working to receive the life that is already yours unconditionally.

You're working to pay for things you don't even need most likely if you have the time to be fully present and cultivate the right relationships with all of life, including yourself, your loved ones, your community, and this beautiful planet.

When was the last time you sat somewhere and just enjoyed the happiness of being alive and watching life around you?

When was the last time you had a meal with your loved ones without checking your phone or thinking about something else on your to-do list?

The truth is that you are already born a millionaire.
You need to understand and implement just this one step...
No, this is not a get-rich-quick overnight success. 
I hope that you question what I share with you and at least wonder or have some disbelief but please keep an open mind.
Because what if there was something if you knew it, would change everything at once?
What I am going to share with you here will do just that for you and your family.

When you realize you no longer want to be part of the matrix of working hard, you have two options...

You either quit your job and pour all your savings into an online business education that is supposed to enable your freedom lifestyle to no longer show up in a physical workplace while working on the beach with your laptop and phone when you are most likely never able to take a real vacation

or you invest the minimum principal amount of 10,000 € with us with a 4% interest rate per month that will compound to 1.106.625,61 € in 10 years.

Yes, that's an exact amount and it means that you and your family will reach millionaire status in 10 years WITHOUT HAVING TO WORK FOR IT AT ALL.

Sounds too good to be true?

That's because what Pioneer Retirement™ offers is FREEDOM and nothing else.

Which is your essence and birthright that has been taken away from you when you were born.

To be exact, you became a number in the system and a slave for your country the moment you received a birth certificate.

Your mind has been trained to feed a system that makes you pay for things you never actually need and to have to get an education that in most countries starts off your professional adult life with debt that will keep you spinning in the hamster wheel of chasing money instead of freedom.

Pioneer Retirement™ supports the option to give you millionaire status in 10 years WITHOUT ANY WORK AT ALL because your money works harder for you than you for money.


Pioneer Retirement Map

Pioneer Retirement™ exists to give you back your most precious commodity - your time so you can create beautiful memories and spend time with your loved ones instead of chasing money.

With the opportunity presented to you, you DO NOT HAVE TO WORK AT ALL to reach millionaire status in 10 years. We invest the minimum principal investment amount of €10,000 at 4% interest rates per month for you. This money stays in our investment fund to leverage the compound effect.

Instead of paying you 4% interest rates from the €10,000 every month, we reinvest those interest rates for you to compound your investment.

After 10 years, your €10,000 with a 4% interest rate will be worth 1.106.625,61 €.

Here are some facts for everyone who is still in doubt or does not really believe in this opportunity that we are offering.

It sounds too good to be true so it must be a lie, right?

I find it very interesting that people always go for the manipulation and lies especially what society makes them believe but when there is actually a path to freedom they choose to stay ignorant and believe it's too good to be true.

That is exactly the enslavement of humanity because you have been brainwashed to do things in the way that everybody else does it and to comply.

I'm going to put it to you very clearly because we've had people reach out and mention ridiculous statements such as that we cannot do the math on the interest rates that are being gathered with the compound effect and that we are absurd.

I'm going to speak frankly and do the math for you so you can understand the opportunity that is on the table. Below you will find the breakdown of how much your principal investment grows in 12 months and 10 years.

Here is another truth!

The money that you have sitting in your savings account or pension fund right now is being used by all the banks to do the exact same thing that we are offering you.

But the bank does not pay you interest rates and definitely not 4% every month. They do not compound the 4% interest rate every month and add it to your bank account either so that your money grows over time.

No, they make you open a savings account and give you very little interest rate maybe 4% a year and then they get rich off of your back with the money that you have sitting in a bank account that the government can take away from you any time they want to seize your assets.

Do you want to know how I know this?

Because it's what happened to me - Tabita Fénix the Founder of Pioneer Retirement™ - in 2015 when the bank took all my money. This is the reason why this opportunity is presented to you.

Here are some more truth bombs for you about your money and how you spend it...

You pay between 3 to 5 bucks every single day for coffee or food. You pay for groceries and you pay for all the things that you're ordering online and most of these things you don't necessarily need to have a good life. Most people consume way more than they create.

What you do need is your money working harder for you than you for money.

Because if that is not the case you will always be investing your most valuable asset your time to get the very thing that everybody makes you believe you need in order to thrive.

This money is then being taken from you at every given opportunity because you are being sold all the time whether it's through social media, commercials in the shopping mall or online to buy stuff to give away your money that if you're really honest with yourself half of the time you don't really need to be happy.

Most people are just filling a void that is there because you have accepted a reality that kills your creativity.

This is the truth that nobody wants you to hear because if you would wake up and understand that
- you can retire way before 65
- you do not need to feed the system of working hard
- you do not need to live pay check to pay check
- you certainly don't need to spend all your money every single month to buy stuff that you don't even need half of the time

You would reconsider what to do with your life instead of being a slave to the system.

So if this sounds too good to be true for you and you prefer to live your life in the way that you do now, I guess your life is exactly the way that you have dreamt it to be.

Then there is really no reason why you should not want to add an additional seven-figure revenue stream to your already beautiful life. Right?


I Want To Get Started

Step #1 Click the red button to send us an email

When you click on the red button you will be prompted to send us an email or simply use with your interest in getting started with Pioneer Retirement™.

Please use the subject line: Pioneer Family and send us an email with your first and last name, address and the first and last name as well as addresses of two beneficiaries who will be mentioned in the contract to receive your principal should anything happen to you.

Step #2 We guarantee your investment by protecting it

We are not risking your money. We offer Pioneer Retirement ™️ before 65 years of age. You can store your money in a savings account, pension fund such as 401K where it does nothing for you or you can invest it with us. There is no additional cost or risk of losing your money since we don't take money unless we can match it.

Your money is safe because we can match what you invest. We are not accepting any money that we do not already have in assets. If the investment amount that people want to pay us surpasses our own assets, we will stop taking on more investments.

This means we are not actually working with your money but our own which we have done successfully for over four years without any losses and why we can offer a 4% monthly ROI.

Step #3 You can get your money back anytime after 12 months

You can get your money back 12 months from sign-up. There is no ongoing commitment after that. There is no additional monthly cost or risk of losing money since we don't take money unless we can match it and pay it back if you want it after 12 months. The only term is to leave it invested for 12 months.

Your investment will add 4% interest rates every month and create a compound effect. This means that we will add 4% interest rates to your initial investment amount to increase your ROI instead of paying you every single month. The reason for this is because we want you and your family to be free.

Most people don't know how to protect, keep and multiply their money and spend it on stuff that mostly is unnecessary for a beautiful life because they are being sold to every day on commercial ads on TV, Social Media or anywhere on the streets.

Please note, the currency for this investment opportunity is in EUR. To calculate the minimum principal investment of €10,000 in your local currency use this currency converter by clicking here.

The current price for this investment opportunity can increase at any time without notice. It will add a 4% interest rate to your initial investment every month for as long as you invest your money with us that will create a compound effect.

The minimum time period for this investment opportunity is 12 months. If you decide to withdraw 100% of your initial investment with a 4% monthly interest rate you can do that after 12 months.

In case the red button above to get started with Pioneer Retirement™ doesn't work, simply send an email to with your first- and last name, address and principal you'd like to invest. Please also send one or two beneficiaries with their address and email address who would receive your principal in case should something happen to you.



1) How high is the risk of losing money? 

There is no risk of losing money since we can match your investment with money we already have. Otherwise we would not accept it.

2) What do you invest in?

We invest in Real Estate and trade with Cryptocurrencies and have been successfully doing in any market whether a bull- or bear-market for over four years.

3) Is there any additional cost?

There is no additional cost other than the initial principal investment of €10,000.

4) What if I choose to get my investment paid back?

You can get your investment after 12 months and plus 4% interest rate will be paid out. We need 30 days notice for that.

If you have your money invested in any type of retirement fund, you usually don't touch it unless you retire and absolutely need it. Your 401K does not give you 4% interest rates per month. 

5) I have invested money before and lost it or got scammed. Why should I trust you?

We are very sorry that you've experienced such a trauma. Our founder Tabita Fénix has endured the same by a trusted bank. That's when she realized that she wasn't the owner of her money as soon as she hands it over to a bank which led to her searching for alternative solutions. With Pioneer Retirement you not only receive a contract to be the owner of your money but you can also name two beneficiaries who receive the transfer of your funds should something happen to you.

6) Can I choose a higher principal amount?

Yes, you can choose a higher principal amount.

7) Can I choose a principal amount with a monthly payout?

Yes. We offer a 2% monthly payout and reinvest the other 2% to use the compound effect with a minimum investment amount of €55,000. Please review all the details by clicking the red button Discover Pioneer Pioneer™ Payout.

Please note, the currency for this investment opportunity is in EUR. To calculate the minimum principal investment of €10,000 in your local currency use this currency converter by clicking here.

The current price for this investment opportunity can increase at any time without notice. It will add a 4% interest rate to your initial investment every month for as long as you invest your money with us that will create a compound effect.

The minimum time period for this investment opportunity is 12 months. If you decide to withdraw 100% of your initial investment with a 4% monthly interest rate you can do that after 12 months.

In case the red button above to get started with Pioneer Retirement™ doesn't work, simply send an email to with your first- and last name, address and principal you'd like to invest. Please also send one or two beneficiaries with their address and email address who would receive your principal in case should something happen to you.


If This Is You

Do you have more questions? Questions such as:

- What is the risk of losing money?

- Isn't it easier to become a millionaire with an online business?

- What is the biggest mistake millionaires or billionaires make?

- What if I need to get my investment paid back?

- What is going to happen with my investment?

- How can I overcome my trauma of having lost money?

These and many more questions are all answered in depth in this book here that you have access to once your are logged in. Sign in here if you've purchased the book.

Are you a business owner, service provider or executive and would like to learn how to increase your revenue and profits by increasing your rates 10x without working more or hiring more staff? Click here for all the details!

Would you like to purchase Pioneer Retirement but find yourself in a low-income situation? Please reach out to us for ambassador opportunities.

Do you have more questions? Please reach out to us at! We are here to answer any questions or concerns you might have.


Accuracy of Information

PioneerU, Ltd. strives to ensure accuracy of information provided but we are not responsible for missing, inaccurate, or incorrect information. Recognize that you are using the provided information at your own risk.

Not Financial Advice

The information provided does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other advice. PioneerU, Ltd documentation, website, App, social media, and marketing materials do not consider your particular financial objectives, financial situation, or needs and are not intended to be construed as a recommendation for action on your part. PioneerU, Ltd cannot guarantee any returns or price action and is subject to overall market conditions. PioneerU, Ltd. accepts no liability for damages, whether consequential or indirect, of any kind arising from the use, reference, or reliance on the information provided. Please conduct your due diligence and participate wisely. Returns presented are estimates based on past performance and do not constitute a guarantee of future performance or returns.

KYC, Age and Sound Mind Policy

Before using these services please due your own research and make the best choice for yourself. When using the services of PioneerU, Ltd. you will be asked to confirm:

1. You are of sound mind and are not currently under the influence of anything that could impair your judgment.

2. You are of legal age and are able to participate in these services.

3. You are not violating any IDO/KYC legislation based upon your current geographical location. The following list is not all-inclusive, therefore we request you conduct your own research and due diligence: The United States, China, Russia, Portugal, and Parts of Europe all have specific rules and legislations that pertain to income and cryptocurrency. By accepting the following, you acknowledge that you are abiding by any and all applicable rules and regulations, and you assume all responsibility for the use of these services. You agree to hold harmless PioneerU, Ltd.. and all PioneerU, Ltd. affiliates.

© Copyright Pioneer Retirement ™.  |  All rights reserved 

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