Co-creating and retiring millionaire and billionaire families

reclaim your time to create eternal loving memories instead of chasing money 

We'd Love To Invite You To Trust Us...

and set up your financial freedom by turning €10,000 into €1.106.625,61 in 10 years WITHOUT ANY WORK AT ALL by investing in Pioneer Retirement at 4% ROI monthly.   
On this page, you will find a 10-minute voice message from our founder Tabita Fénix in which she answers the three most burning questions...

Why should I trust Pioneer Retirement?
How do I know that my money is safe with you?
What do you invest in?

Please review this information thoroughly so you can see how your investment will grow over time, what your options are in terms of keeping the money in compounding at 4% monthly versus having the option to withdraw a percentage of your profits to use as cash flow.  
Keep in mind as you read the material, Pioneer Retirement™ was not created like other companies.

WE DO NOT NEED YOUR MONEY to grow our company. 

It is NOT for profit or to impress stakeholders. 

It is founded on the principle of safekeeping, preserving and growing your hard earned money. This is a gift.

We back all our investor's money and won't take on more investments than we already have in assets. Which means, if every one of our clients would want their money back within 30 days, we can pay out ALL OUR CLIENTS unlike the bank where you currently keep your money.

Wether you are one of the people who put their money where their mouth is and truly initiate change by investing in alternative solutions such as Pioneer Retirement™...

instead of complaining about the system, searching endlessly on Google for alternative solutions and praying for a miracle but never taking action, is up to you.

If after you've reviewed this page, you still have questions, please log into the Pioneer Community and post them there or take two hours of your time to listen to the Pioneer Retirement Book. Both resources are linked below for easy access.

We hope to see you on the other side of financial freedom with PIONEER RETIREMENT ™️. Thank you for your time!

Pioneer Founder FAQ

Listen to the three most burning questions answered in a short 10 minute voice message below by our Pioneer Founder Tabita Fénix to discover whether we are a match.

Pioneer Retirement Family

Would you like to invest with us but believe that you need a lot of money to get started with Pioneer Retirement™? You can start investing with us today with a principal of €10,000.

Pioneer Retirement Payout 

Do you want to have more free time? Replace your current monthly income whether through a job or your business with a DFY investment that accrues 4% ROI monthly of which we pay out 2%.

Access the Pioneer Retirement Book & the Pioneer Community

Do you have more questions about investing or how Pioneer Retirement™ works? Questions such as:

What is the risk of losing money?
Isn't it easier to become a millionaire with an online business?
What is the biggest mistake millionaires or billionaires make?
What if I need to get my investment paid back?
What is going to happen with my investment?
How can I overcome my trauma of having lost money?

All these questions and more are answered in the Pioneer Retirement Book. If you have additional questions we haven't yet covered, you can ask them in the Pioneer Community. Please note, that you need to be logged into your account to access the book and community. You've received a separate email from PioneerU ™️ with your login details. If you don't find the email, as usual please check the spam folder. Once you are logged in, you should be able to see both the Pioneer Retirement Book and the Pioneer Community in your dashboard.

 How Is Pioneer Retirement ™️ Different?

"We are not risking your money. We offer Pioneer Retirement ™️ before 65 years of age. You can store your money in a savings account, pension fund such as 401K where it does nothing for you or you can invest it with us. There is no additional cost or risk of losing your money since we don't take money unless we can match it.

Your money is safe because we can match what you invest. We are not accepting any money that we do not already have in assets. If the investment amount that people want to pay us surpasses our own assets, we will stop taking on more investments. 

This means we are not actually working with your money but our own which we have done successfully for over four years without any losses and why we can offer a 4% monthly ROI.

We hope to see you on the other side. Thank you for taking the time to review this information and considering Pioneer Retirement™ for your financially free future!

- Tabita Fénix

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